Q. How can I find staffers on the website?

A. You can navigate to the main webpage where there is a section within the header labelled, “Browse our talent”. That button will take you to the database where we have all our staffers listed according to the categories that we offer, for example “virtual assistants” or “SEO specialists” and you will find relevant people listed under those categories. You can read their credentials and their experience and set up a call with our sales development representatives to engage that staffer.

Q. What is the recruiting and screening process for Remote Scouts?

A. When we are setting up a group of staffers for our portal, we go through various candidates that apply for a position that we have posted. Through the sea of resumes that we get, we identify the top performing candidates that have exceptional results in top grading interviews and sifting processes to find the best ones. These candidates are then considered through skills tests, personality tests and more assessments before they are selected for our top positions, and those candidates are included in our staff list for our clients to browse and select.

Q. What is the cost of hiring a candidate through Remote Scouts?

Our staffing solution is inclusive of the following things:

  • Recruitment and training fees
  • All technological hardware
  • Communication and operational software
  • Tea and coffee and amenities
  • In-house office location
  • Security

We charge a pre-set free for all these things to onboard a candidate when we bring them on to work with you and provide them with everything they need to be integrated to your team.

Q. What services does Remote Scouts offer?

A. We are a remote staffing agency that specializes in recruiting and staffing candidates for all kinds of businesses and sectors. Our specialties include staffing remote and virtual talent for companies including nearshore talent in neighboring areas of the U.S and staffing offshore talent from Pakistan. There are various top grading techniques we use to find the best people for your business who can also augment your core competencies and create value for you immediately by integrating with your core team and working as part of your company.

Q. What industries does Remote Scouts specialize in?

A. Our offshore and nearshore hiring prowess extents to several industries including but not limited to:

  • Debt collection specialists
  • Medical billing
  • Medical coding
  • Virtual assistance
  • Accounts receivable management
  • Accounts payable management
  • Paralegals
  • Case Managers
  • Content writers
  • Accountants and bookkeepers
  • Digital marketing experts
  • Administrators
  • Telecommunication experts

Q. Who are Remote Scout’s ideal clients?

A. Remote Scouts caters to a breadth of enterprise sizes and their business needs. We have staffing solutions for large enterprises that may need offshore or nearshore and remote talent to augment their core competencies. We also have staffing solutions for small businesses that need individuals for their business like accountants or SEO specialists to manage their website performance or their financial management. All kinds of businesses that can benefit from our staffing services are our ideal clients, and within that we can cater to building entire teams or placing single personnel within you company to help you manage your work.

Q. What are the benefits of using Remote Scouts for hiring?

A. Remote Scouts is a single source where you can find the right fit for your company through our staffing system. We ensure that everyone that we recruit for your company has the capabilities that compliment your business needs. Additionally, there are various hiring managers that spend countless hours sifting through resumes trying to find the right person, we fast trac that process for you and find you the right person without having to go through that entire process every time you need to hire a new person. You will also save cost because Remote Scouts systemically integrates, onboard and trains every person that comes on board with your company, for a small fee, so that your entire headache of hiring and integrating a staff member is taken off your shoulders.

Q. What is the typical turnaround time for finding a qualified candidate?

A. Our process is quick and seamless where we scout, train, and integrate talent within your company within 1-2 weeks. Unlike other staffing companies or other processes where you onboard someone, you can significant cut down on time with us as we fast trac the hiring process and find you the ideal person for your business in record time, so the turnaround time for hiring candidates through Remote Scouts is fast and quite efficient.

Q. Do you offer any guarantees on the quality of hires?

A. We pride ourselves at finding candidates that are top performers in their fields and that’s owing to the top grading techniques we use when we recruit and hunt talent for you. Our talent acquisition experts ensure that every time they are about to hire for a position, they vet the prospect thoroughly and know their credentials and skills so they will be able to perform well within your organization. Our candidates have been reported to generate great value for their clients. For example, one of the most sought after candidates we have are our super debt collectors, and every time we have placed debt collectors with our clients, they have been able to start collecting within the first 3 days, and sometimes within a day. That is the standard we shoot for every time we place talent within your organization and that is our guarantee; dedicated, talented staff members that outperform everyone else you might hire.

Q. Do you screen remote workers for qualifications and cultural fit?

A. Yes, we do. One of the most important aspects of our recruitment process is putting every candidate through a screening process where we do a background check on them and get all their personal information recorded so we know their credentials as well as their reputation. Additionally, our interview process is detailed within we tell them what is expected of them in the company that they are about to join and ask their work preferences, their team-building skills and we also conduct our behavioral interviews to ensure whoever we integrate within your team has a positive and cordial attitude and can add value to your team and be a team player.