Hire an Expert Front End Developer

Hiring for specialized IT talent like front end developers is challenging for U.S. firms with limited talent pools and overwhelming need for specialized developers. The competition to hire the best resource is fierce, requiring firms to offer greater compensations to retain top talent. Skip the hassle of hiring and retention, and access front developers from our pre-vetted talent pool of front-end developers who will dedicatedly work for you. Hire faster and better with Remote Scouts, cut your employment cost by 40%.
Hire a Front-End Developer at $18/hr

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Save time on screening and skill-testing – leave the hard work to us.
Our talent acquisition specialists have an ever-growing pipeline of qualified Front-End Developer , ready to join your company at the drop of a hat.

The Qualities of a Front-End Developer

  • They are detail oriented in achieving the best functionality in their applications.
  • They are customer-focused in creating a seamless user journey
  • They creatively implement UI/UX designs for increased functionality and quality brand image.
  • Leverage their technical expertise to provide best-in-class website performance.
  • They are vigilant, data-driven experts who measure progress and implement changes accordingly.
  • They effectively collaborate with other stakeholders to create a seamless workflow.
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What Can a Front-end Developer Do For You?

Front end developers are the unseen architects of the online world, where they contribute their expertise to every website, program, and application you use. Their expertise ensures your brand and offering adequately interacts with your customer and relays your offerings in the most convenient and aesthetic way. They use their technical ability and creativity to enhance the way your customers interact with you, so their contributions are incredibly vital to your brand voice and presence. Here are some ways they achieve the best results for you.

Let’s Talk Prices

Managing front-end development processes is overwhelming and complicated for Businesses, but so is the cost of hiring an expert. What if you could get skilled Front-end Developer at an affordable, fixed hourly rate without compromising the quality of work?

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We hire the best-in-class Front-end Developer for you while ensuring 40% cost savings.

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Who Can Hire a Front-End Developer?

Many industries need an experienced front-end developer, who can design their website or software application with expertise. The front-end developer, also known as client-side development, helps companies design their website through user friendly interface, easy navigation, and seamless layout. As an active website and easy navigation-oriented website it is one of the important parameters of a company’s success. Thus, every industry can benefit from hiring a front-end developer and its services.

Front End Developer for Large Corporations

For large corporations, the need to hire a front-end developer is eminent. As they help maintain and update their extensive web presence. They help these large corporations maintain their web presence, which requires robust front-end solutions.

Front End Developer for Small and Medium Enterprises

The small companies need front end developers for business visibility with easy navigation and user interface. As these companies have a small setup, they need to target a bigger audience and for that their website front end functionalities need to work smoothly. They should display all the information, make the user interface more friendly and easy to navigate.

Front End Developer for Tech Startups

For new tech startups website functionalities are very important, they focus on developing innovative web applications or platforms that require a sleek, efficient, and user-friendly front end to attract adopters and investors.

Front End Developer for E-commerce Startups

For E-commerce startups fully functional, fast, and optimized websites are very crucial. Front-end development is essential for any e-commerce business, especially a start-up. Businesses that are launching new products need inventory updates which require intuitive and engaging interfaces to ensure a smooth shopping experiences for users.

Front End Developer for Digital Marketing Agencies

Front end developer for digital marketing agencies plays a key role as they provide comprehensive front end development services for online marketing. They need to ensure the websites and landing pages they create are optimized for user experience and engagement.

Front End Developer for Educational Institutions

The educational institutions do need to hire front end developers to make their website functionality smooth, functional, and easy to navigate. The bulk of their student-facing image is dependent on front-end development to attract more candidates and represent a positive image of their institution.

Hire an Offshore Mobile App Developer from Remote Scouts

If you are looking to hire an offshore mobile app developer, then Remote Scouts is an ideal option. With years of experience in this domain, we help you find the perfect candidate for the specific job description that is required for your business niche. You can contact us today!

Hire a Front-End Developer Offshore

Hire a Nearshore Front-End Developer from Costa Rica Remote Scouts

If offshore is not your option, you can always go for nearshore hiring from our offices in Costa Rica. Nearshore hiring will give you the leverage to hire someone in proximity, with the same time zones, language, and cultural similarities. You will still save money while having a more collaborative system with your front-end developer.

Hire a Front-End Developer Nearshore


What is a front-end developer and how is it different from back-end developer?

The front-end developer is responsible for handling all the front-end website or application development. They manage the user facing development of the website. Their main aim is to make the website layout super smooth and functional, with easy navigation. They also design user interfaces appealing and easy to click and load. On the contrary, the back-end developer is responsible for handling things at the back end of websites, software and applications. They maintain and develop all the high-quality codes, databases, structural architecture of the website and many more functionalities.

Why hire a front-end developer?

The front-end developer is an important part of any website development as these individuals design and develop user facing interfaces of the website, basically whatever user sees and experiences while using the website. Whether a user needs to order certain products or get information about their favorite program in a university, everything is designed smoothly and easy to navigate by a front end developer.

What are the job responsibilities of front-end developers?

The front-end developers are responsible for some major tasks, mentioned below are some of them.

  • They majorly design and develop UI/UX designs.
  • They use various languages and technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.
  • They use frameworks to build complex user interfaces.
  • They make responsive designs for various screens like computers, phones, and tablets to look at the web page.
  • They do testing/debugging for website functionality.
  • They expertly handle browser developer tools.
  • They make sure that website performance is optimized.

How to hire a front-end developer?

The front-end developer can be hired from Remote Scouts. We are a specialized company in recruiting and staffing international talent. No matter what your business requirements are we are always available to provide global talent. Whether you want to hire offshore, nearshore or outsource we can make that happen for you. Our comprehensive screening and vetting process involves detailed interviews, personality testing and final profile evaluation. All these hiring protocols help us hire the best candidate.

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