Hire a Technical Support Specialist

Are you facing talent shortages when hiring a technical support specialist? Is your current technical support talent failing to keep up with rapid technological changes? Broaden your search with Remote Scouts. We offer a diverse pool of technical support specialists ready to join your team, reducing your hiring time by 50% and employment costs by 40%.
Hire a Technical Support Specialist starting $10/hr

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Our talent acquisition specialists have an ever-growing pipeline of qualified Technical Support Specialists, ready to join your company at the drop of a hat.

Qualities of a Technical Support Specialist

  • Customer-focused – addresses and resolves customer complaints with proactive problem-solving to ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Adaptable – excels at multitasking and handling rapidly changing customer needs. Stays up to date with growing technological trends.
  • Communicative – possesses excellent soft skills and communicates with customers to assist in product usage and address their frustrations.
  • Motivated – stays up to date with technological advancements and emerging trends. Constantly improve their skills and stay curious about the latest developments.
  • Collaborative – works well with other team members and diverse customer bases. Guides users to improve their customer experience.
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What Can a Technical Support Specialist Do for you?

If your company offers a product or application, your users will experience the full extent of its features and benefits if your technical support specialists know how to assist them. 77% of customers expect to interact with someone immediately when they contact a company, so a technical support specialist is crucial for retaining customers. If users become frustrated with the product or application or don’t get timely guidance, they will move on, causing churn and revenue loss. Here is how technical support specialists help your users.

Let’s Talk Prices

Managing technical support processes is overwhelming and complicated for Businesses, but so is the cost of hiring an expert. What if you could get skilled Technical Support Specialists at an affordable, fixed hourly rate without compromising the quality of work?

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We hire the best-in-class Technical Support Specialist for you while ensuring 40% cost savings.

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Who Can Hire a Technical Support Specialist?

Any business that uses technology to improve its operations can benefit from hiring a technical support specialist. They also use technical support for their customers to ensure a positive user experience. Here is a breakdown of how businesses utilize technical support specialists for in-house or customer support.

Technical Support Specialist for Technology Companies

No surprise there. Tech companies in software applications, hardware manufacturing, and beta testing require qualified technical support specialists to handle their customer support and internal technical operations. It improves product performance and ensures smoother customer experiences.

Technical Support Specialist for Retailers

As an incredibly profit-driven business, retailers utilize various technologies, such as POS systems for sales, inventory management software, and e-commerce platforms. They should hire a technical support specialist to help them provide uninterrupted customer service and speed up their internal operations.

Technical Support Specialist for (SME’s)

Small and medium-sized enterprises can hire a technical support specialist to manage office productivity tools like biometric systems, communication software, and cloud-based services. With high-quality technical support, they can improve their operations and achieve higher productivity.

Technical Support Specialist for Healthcare Providers

Medical service providers and hospitals use various technical support needs to manage medical equipment, electronic health records, and telemedicine services. They can reduce patient care wait times by improving medical billing processes, regularly updating databases, and providing technical support for medical equipment.

Technical Support Specialist for Financial Institutions

Banks require constant technical support to manage their online banking, ATMs, and financial technologies to ensure uninterrupted customer support. Financial institutions like insurance agencies should hire a technical support specialist to manage their online platforms and customer portals.

Technical Support Specialist for Manufacturers

Manufacturing companies work with complicated equipment and large technical setups, including software like enterprise resource planning ERP systems and heavy machinery. They need to hire a technical support specialist with industry-specific training to help them manage their technical processes.

Hire an Offshore Technical Support Specialist

Most businesses need help hiring a technical support specialist because of the limited pool of qualified candidates. Even if you find a skilled professional, they are expensive to hire and more likely to be turnover due to burnout or more competitive offers. Hire a technical support specialist offshore with Remote Scouts instead. We have a steady pool of highly qualified technical support specialists who have vast industry experience and are more affordable to hire than regional specialists. Get a dedicated, skilled expert without the hassle of recruiting and onboarding.

Hire a Technical Support Specialist Offshore

Hire a Nearshore Technical Support Specialist

If your business requires constant technical support and swift communication, you might not be sold on offshore support. Instead, select a nearshore technical support specialist instead of Remote Scouts. We have professionals who can establish frequent communication with you, provide scalable support, and handle customer assistance to improve your customer retention and product performance. You can also save the cost of recruitment, hiring, and employment by accessing pre-vetted candidates from our pool with industry experience but lower price tags than regional technical support experts.

Hire a Nearshore Technical Support Specialist


How much does it cost to hire a technical support specialist?

Various factors determine how much you pay for a technical support specialist in your area, line of business, and industry. Your business needs and the skills you require from a technical support specialist will also determine how much they will cost. On average, the hourly pay for a technical support specialist in the U.S. is about $26.57.hr, higher than most medium-sized enterprises and small businesses can afford and pricier to manage for independent companies. But if you want to maintain the work’s quality and reduce your hiring cost, you can get a technical support specialist at $12/hr from Remote Scouts.

What are the common challenges faced when hiring technical support specialists?

The most common challenge is a limited talent pool, where various companies compete for the same expert due to talent shortage. This also means a hike in the salaries of technical support specialists. Another challenge is looking for a specialist with the exact skillset you need. Technical support specialists work on specific technologies, equipment, and systems and require in-depth knowledge to perform their duties well.

How can I ensure quality and reliability when hiring offshore technical support?

Offshore technical support can be very competent but tricky to manage. If you want to leverage the capabilities of an offshore technical support specialist, you should ensure you have well-established communication channels like video conferencing, telecommunication, and project management software. You can also track progress through metrics and ensure they are on track to fulfilling their tasks efficiently.

What are the common mistakes made when hiring technical support specialists?

They are hiring someone with a different skill set than you require. Technical support specialists also have niches in various industries. If you hire someone to handle retail software and inventory but their expertise is in manufacturing, they won’t be able to deliver the same results. The second mistake is hiring a technical support specialist, which is overly reliant on their technical skills. They may be proficient in troubleshooting software or fixing hardware issues. Still, suppose they don’t have the soft skills to interact with your users and help them manage their challenges. In that case, they won’t be able to provide adequate customer support, affecting your client satisfaction.

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40% cost savings

vs hiring locally

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Leverage the skills of a diverse workforce that empowers your business to reach new heights.