You spend lots of time and resources on hiring staff. But it feels like a never-ending cycle. Time after time, the candidate you hired wasn’t the right fit.

What do you do?
Check out these 4 tips to recruit the right remote employee. See if your company’s processes are up to the job of finding the best talent.

1) JOB DESCRIPTION: “ ‘Recruiting Right’: How Not to go Wrong in Job Recruitment?”

With a global pool of qualified candidates, it is important that every job post has clearly defined expectations. An outdated job description can quickly lead to employee dissatisfaction and an endless cycle of recruitment, costing you time and money.

A helpful hint. Make sure your job description has clear objectives and lists the required skill sets to recruit the right candidate. The last thing you need is for an employee to start work and then realize that the position was not what they thought it would be.

2) SEARCH: “Is Your Applicant Tracking System Hurting Your Recruiting Efforts?

Did you know that many AI tracking systems are not properly managed and disqualify excellent candidates simply because the AI “keywords” didn’t show up on their resumes? If so, you could be giving away a great employee to a competitor simply because your AI technology did not pick up on all their skillsets.

That’s where we come in. Our team will search for applicants and send you profiles of the most highly qualified candidates. We look for all skill sets, whether formal education or life experience, to provide a holistic approach to candidate selection and ensure that you fill your company’s job opportunities with the best talent.

3) INTERVIEW: “Here’s How To Elevate A Company’s Hiring Process And Help Candidates Win Overall”

What is your process to conduct and follow up on interviews? Do you practice your company’s values with each applicant and treat them with courtesy, kindness, and respect? How you interact with candidates determines how people perceive your company in the marketplace. Word gets around fast whether you do a great job or fall short on your recruitment efforts.

We can help by screening applicants on your behalf and providing you with the top candidates. You decide who to interview. Once you select the candidate, we will confirm the employment offer and start the onboarding process.

4) ONBOARDING: “How to Succeed in ‘The Great Transition’”

Onboarding is not always easy. Oftentimes, if the process isn’t smooth and organized, new employees will quickly look for another job. Which takes you right back to square one, using your limited time and resources to find yet another “perfect” candidate.

Let CGS take the stress out of your day. Our onboarding process empowers new remote employees to take ownership of their responsibilities and gives them the resources and confidence to do a stellar job from day one.

And now for the best part. We’ll not only onboard the candidate of your choice, but we’ll also supervise and track their performance from a secured desk space in one of our company offices. The result? You’ll get the benefits of meeting your company’s KPI’s minus the stress and headaches of staff supervision.

Recruiting the right employee requires organized processes and a deep well of resources and time to find the best talent. We’ll do the heavy lifting to find you the right candidates that fit your company’s needs.

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